07 January 2008

Organizations are not 'things', they are alive.

I don't see a difference between living systems in nature and organizations, institutions and business. They're all the same. We cannot look at organizations with a solid structural mindset. It won't work, it will never work out. Separating organizations and production from the living environment is disastrous, as we can see with environmental degradation. This mindset is viral to organizations, both large and small.

This article snippet caught my attention:

All biological and social systems are comprised of components, or actors, with partially overlapping interests. When component interests are not perfectly aligned or when information is imperfect, conflict inevitably arises. ‘Conflict’ in this sense refers to interactions characterized by an asymmetrical payoff matrix, or those in which individuals rank the set of possible interaction outcomes differently. The role of conflict in facilitating or impeding the emergence of new biological units is of particular interest. Krakauer, Flack , SFI External Professor Nihat Ay, and collaborators have been studying the multi-scale network dynamics of behavioral conflict in relation to how behavioral strategies for managing conflicts evolve in systems in which interactions are polyadic (involving multiple individuals rather than being simply pair-wise) The development of a new, network conflict theory, to include the development of new measures of causality and information flow in networks are in their early stages, and new methods of data analysis of non-linear time series over networks, informed by careful measurements of conflict in a model system (macaque society), are important goals of the project. SFI Professor Jon Wilkins works on closely related issues in the context of intragenomic conflict.

Is there something here? I think so!

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